区块链 重塑经济与世界_区块链如何重塑数字营销?
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区块链 重塑经济与世界

Digital giants like Google, Amazon, Facebook and many others are collecting infinite information about consumers. Although the tech giants didn’t leave any stone unturned to reach the enormous number of consumers, these ads will not reach the expected number of customers and failed to increase the revenue of businesses.

诸如Google,Amazon,Facebook等许多数字巨头正在收集有关消费者的无限信息。 尽管科技巨头们并没有竭尽全力吸引大量消费者,但这些广告将无法达到预期的顾客数量,并且无法增加业务收入。

It is estimated that nearly 50% of all the ad traffic is being created by bots. The businesses are paying the massive amount of money to reach their potential customers, but this doesn’t give them any guarantee that those advertisements will increase their sales and ultimately the revenue.With the help of Blockchain, one can change businesses’ abilities to target their customer individually in a direct way. There has been the much technological advancement in the blockchain, smart contracts, and many others. These latest technologies are changing the way the digital marketing industry to advertise their brands.

据估计,所有广告流量中有近50%是由漫游器创建的。 企业正在付出巨额资金来吸引潜在客户,但这并不能给他们任何保证,这些广告将增加他们的销售量并最终增加收入。在区块链的帮助下,人们可以改变企业的目标定位能力以直接方式分别为其客户提供服务。 区块链,智能合约以及许多其他方面已经取得了很大的技术进步。 这些最新技术正在改变数字营销行业宣传其品牌的方式。

How Is Blockchain Reinventing Digital Marketing?


We always think that blockchain is only associated with the payment and financial systems. Yes, it is absolutely true that the blockchain technology is helpful to the financial industries in many ways. But the blockchain technology has also generated an Augmented Reality platform that integrates cryptocurrency and rewards users for viewing AR experiences. There are many innovations that blockchain can provide to the digital marketing industry, here we are sharing some of them.

我们一直认为区块链仅与支付和金融系统相关。 是的,区块链技术确实在许多方面对金融业有所帮助。 但是区块链技术还产生了一个增强现实平台,该平台集成了加密货币并奖励用户观看AR体验。 区块链可以为数字营销行业提供许多创新,在这里我们分享其中的一些。

Direct-targeting to Consumer


The blockchain technology has taken the advertisement by storm. With the help of this technology, the marketers can enable information to be stored and distributed without changed or copied. As it is a decentralized system, the data and each and every information of the consumer will be highly secured. With the help of this technology, the digital marketers will be going to overhaul the online advertising and they will negate the requirement for middlemen.

区块链技术席卷了广告。 借助这项技术,营销人员可以使信息得以存储和分发,而无需更改或复制。 由于它是一个去中心化的系统,因此将高度保护消费者的数据和每一个信息。 借助这项技术,数字营销人员将彻底检查在线广告,他们将无需中间商。

Nowadays, the digital marketing businesses are running on Google and Facebook ads. The businesses are investing high amount for conducting advertising campaigns for both the platforms. On the other note, Blockchain companies like BitClave are diverting their attention to provide search data privacy to the tech giants giving an extra-edge to their competition as well as full control over their data.

如今,数字营销业务正在使用Google和Facebook广告。 这些企业为在两个平台上进行广告活动投入了大量资金。 另一方面,像BitClave这样的区块链公司正将注意力转移到为科技巨头提供搜索数据隐私上,从而为他们的竞争提供了更多优势并完全控制了他们的数据。

BitClave runs on a search engine that uses Ethereum blockchain technology. It prevents the need for ad service agency and creating a direct connection between the consumers and businesses. This is also considered as the biggest milestone of blockchain technology. Thus, it eliminates the middlemen in all the transactions.

BitClave在使用以太坊区块链技术的搜索引擎上运行。 这样可以避免需要广告服务代理商,并避免在消费者和企业之间建立直接联系。 这也被认为是区块链技术的最大里程碑。 因此,它消除了所有交易中的中间商。

When the users conduct any search, they can choose the amount of data they want to be released to advertise their products. Unlike the other digital marketing companies, the user can be compensated for their data. Thus instead of any middlemen, the user can directly sell it directly to the company.

用户进行任何搜索时,他们可以选择要发布以宣传其产品的数据量。 与其他数字营销公司不同,可以为用户补偿其数据。 因此,用户可以代替任何中间商直接将其直接出售给公司。

Cross-promotional B2B contracts


There are smart contracts which help you exchange the money, share information and anything valuable in a conflict-free transparent manner. It helps you avoid additional middlemen like lawyers and many others. These are the computer programmed contracts which operate on blockchain technology. They are designed to facilitate, execute and verify the terms of any contracts that can only be replaced by a brand new contract. These smart contracts are playing an important role in B2B cross-promotional marketing.

有智能合约可以帮助您以无冲突的透明方式交换资金,共享信息和任何有价值的东西。 它可以帮助您避免其他中间人,例如律师和许多其他中间人。 这些是基于区块链技术的计算机编程合约。 它们旨在促进,执行和验证只能由全新合同替代的任何合同的条款。 这些智能合约在B2B交叉促销营销中起着重要作用。

Today’s the era of influencers and bloggers who are the essential keys to some of the biggest social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and many others. These are the platforms that are very much important to cultivate the personal brands. Digital marketing with the group of influencers is more beneficial, but it has challenges as there is no third party regulations and terms of an agreement. Each professional associated with the influencer marketing decides his or her own payout.

当今时代的影响者和博客作者是一些最大的社交媒体平台(例如YouTube,Instagram等)的基本钥匙。 这些平台对于培养个人品牌非常重要。 与一群有影响力的人进行数字营销会更加有益,但是由于没有第三方法规和协议条款,因此存在挑战。 与影响者营销相关的每个专业人员都可以决定自己的支出。

Here comes the role of smart contracts which automatically enforce obligations from all the parties involved. The smart contracts ensure the payments are made only after meeting the desired standard of work. If a blogger never publishes an article or didn’t post anything on social media about the brand, the smart contract won’t release the blogger's payment unless he has done his job. Thus, the smart contracts ensure to meet each contractual milestone in order to execute the next step of the process.

智能合约的作用就在这里,它自动执行所有相关各方的义务。 智能合约可确保仅在达到所需工作标准后才付款。 如果博客作者从未发表过文章或没有在社交媒体上发布有关该品牌的任何内容,那么智能合约将不会释放该博客作者的付款,除非他完成了自己的工作。 因此,智能合约可确保满足每个合约里程碑,以执行流程的下一步。

Blockchain has laid its footsteps in the field of E-commerce. The revolution of blockchain has resulted in the formation of E-commerce blockchain model. Do you wonder how customers shop using bitcoins on E-commerce platform? Are you thinking to integrate Bitcoin Payment Gateway in your E-commerce store? !

区块链已在电子商务领域立足。 区块链的革命导致了电子商务区块链模型的形成。 您是否想知道客户如何在电子商务平台上使用比特币购物? 您是否正在考虑将比特币支付网关集成到您的电子商务商店中? !

Roger Haenni who is the co-founder of the blockchain based storage company stated that the digital marketing is fueling the engine of global e-commerce. It should rely on the most advanced secure backbone like blockchain technology. He added that the blockchain technology enables a new class of services with smart contracts. It helps the businesses and brands to focus on commerce and protect themselves.

基于区块链的存储公司的联合创始人罗杰·海尼(Roger Haenni)表示,数字营销正在推动全球电子商务的发展。 它应该依靠最先进的安全主干网,如区块链技术。 他补充说,区块链技术通过智能合约实现了一类新的服务。 它可以帮助企业和品牌专注于商业并保护自己。

Transparency in contracts and with consumers


The other ways of using blockchain technology are to show consumers whom they are selling their data to. As the information cannot be changed and copied, the blockchain based companies can easily store their data and can be sure that their information will not tamper with any sort of malpractice.

使用区块链技术的其他方式是向消费者展示他们将数据出售给谁。 由于信息无法更改和复制,因此基于区块链的公司可以轻松存储其数据,并可以确保其信息不会篡改任何形式的渎职行为。

Maintaining Privacy and Security


Blockstack is another company which is reinventing the ways of digital marketing with the help of blockchain technology. It is an open source project and public benefit corporation which enable the users to access websites while maintaining their security and privacy. This service allows users the ability to explicit their permission to their data. The information is then directly transferred to the encrypted device without the need for third-party data collection services. The Blockstack consumers are able to access the content based on their information without viewing any unwanted advertisement. Thus, it eliminates the consumer’s identity from the purchasing journey and the private details are no longer freely available to the digital marketing industry for leads. This dries up the elusive source of lead generation.

Blockstack是另一家通过区块链技术重塑数字营销方式的公司。 它是一个开源项目和公益组织,它使用户可以在维护网站安全性和私密性的同时访问网站。 该服务使用户能够明确表示对其数据的许可。 然后将信息直接传输到加密设备,而无需第三方数据收集服务。 Blockstack消费者可以根据他们的信息访问内容,而无需查看任何不需要的广告。 因此,它消除了购买过程中消费者的身份,并且私人信息不再免费提供给数字营销行业以获取潜在客户。 这使潜在的潜在客户来源枯竭。

Crowdsourcing Data Collection


There are companies that enabling consumers to sell their personal data in exchange for tokens. There are information exchange platforms such as Snovio which provides people with greater control over their data while creating a massive database with up to date information for generating quality leads. The database is created on the principles of crowdsourcing data collection and the growth of which is only dependent on users who want to contribute their personal information. This dynamic will flip the standards of digital advertising models which transferred the power from marketers to consumers.

有一些公司使消费者能够出售其个人数据以换取令牌。 有诸如Snovio之类的信息交换平台,它可以使人们更好地控制其数据,同时创建具有最新信息的海量数据库,以生成高质量的销售线索。 该数据库是根据众包数据收集的原则创建的,其增长仅取决于想要提供其个人信息的用户。 这种动态将颠覆数字广告模型的标准,从而将力量从营销者转移到消费者。



Blockchain technology is going to stay and there is no doubt in it. No matter if the marketers will adopt it or not, the market’s infatuation with the technology signifies the process has already started. The digital advertisers will be going to stay on top of upcoming companies that are based on blockchain technology. It may seem overwhelming, but the early adoption of blockchain technology will be important for the success of digital marketing strategy. Blockchain technology could turn this model on its head by an inadvertent regulator to the advertising industry.

区块链技术将继续存在,毫无疑问。 无论营销人员是否采用它,市场对技术的痴迷都表明该过程已经开始。 数字广告商将保持在基于区块链技术的新兴公司之上。 看起来似乎势不可挡,但是尽早采用区块链技术对于数字营销策略的成功至关重要。 区块链技术可能会由于疏忽监管机构而转向广告行业,从而改变这种模式。


区块链 重塑经济与世界


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